Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you enjoy the experience we’ve worked so lovingly to provide. Below you’ll find the rules for using our website (www.sunitapassi.com) and for working with Sunita.

By navigating and using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with the terms of use here specified.


Copyright and Itinerary

These sessions provide educational services and are a single source for businesses, corporations and individuals to buy all of the support services they need to develop their training methodologies or to understand holistic wellness concepts. The content is the copyright of Sunita Passi and the itinerary must be agreed in writing in advance. It can be a one-offer service, a bespoke programme to meet personal needs or a rolling contract.

Payment Rates

There are 2 tiers for rates depending on service provided. Invoices are raised post the session and are payable within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

Cancellation Policy

If you have to cancel a session, we ask that you honor Sunita’s time commitments and other projects, by cancelling no less than 14 days before the session. Once you cancel, you can reschedule the session at your earliest convenience.


Payment and Refunds

You have every reason to feel confident and trust in working with Sunita to support your wellness aims. When you purchase our premium and personal 1-2-1 sessions, we ask for payments to be made on the 1st of the month by standing order. Any payment not received by the 07th are deemed as late payments, all late payments result in a fixed £15 fee. This fee is in addition to the amount owed. Billing is based on sessions booked in for the forthcoming month, any sessions not able to attend due to holidays etc will be rescheduled. When a session cannot, in any way be rescheduled this will be deducted from the following months bill. If a client has extra sessions due to an additional wellness session in the month this will be billed for, in advance, with all normal sessions.

Expiry Period

All sessions must be used within two calendar months of purchase, failure to do so will result in loss of sessions.

Late Arrivals

Lateness by the client will result in a loss of minutes of that session. Any longer than 20 minutes is deemed to be a cancellation and Sunita Passi reserves the right to charge the client in full for the session.


If a cancellation occurs with less than 24 hours notice then a full charge will apply. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any sessions cancelled with more than 24 hours notice will be carried over up to a maximum of two calendar months; these are to be used on top of scheduled sessions, not on place of. Any sessions unused with in this period will be lost.

Contract Length

Contracts are minimum of three calendar months starting from your first full month of wellness sessions. One month’s cancelation notice to end your wellness sessions must be given in writing, this can be given after two months of wellness sessions.



For your convenience, when you book Sunita Passi to deliver a speech, presentation, or performance, the fee is invoiced plus travel costs post the event and payable within 30 days of date of invoice. If the event is outside of Nottinghamshire, adequate accommodation and food per diem is required. Performance fees are agreed in writing with Sunita Passi.


Sunita Passi shall be entitled to publicise Speaker’s events to the Tri-Dosha and Sunita Passi community unless otherwise agreed.

Cancellation Policy

If you have to cancel an event, we ask that you honor Sunita’s time commitments and other projects, by cancelling no less than 14 days before the event. Once you cancel, you can reschedule the event at your earliest convenience.


For our books, please refer to the terms and conditions contained on Amazon, our 3rd party publishing platform. Wholesale orders are also available from Tri-Dosha Ltd, for bulk orders, email: info@tri-dosha.co.uk.